I have returned...

Dec 13, 2003 00:16

Greetings, journal.

Another semester ends. I'd say it went pretty well :) I'll list the highlights.

1. I made some friends this semester that have been very uplifting to me spiritually. I count it a blessing to have met each one of them :) The one thing I really wanted this semester was a group of friends that I could truly grow and sharpen with, and the Lord has done much to make this poor fool happy in that department. Each one is very different, and yet I feel a bit of comraderie with them all. Each one is his or her own beautiful, unique snowflake! *grins*

2. I've learned a lot about the future. As in, when all Hell breaks loose on Earth and the trumpets sound and Jesus returns to Earth and all kinds of interesting stuff like that. Ask me about it if interested :)

3. I've grown up quite a bit. This part in itself requires a break down.

-Overall, I've learned a lot more about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
-I have eliminated some habits of mine that needed to be eliminated. Praise the Lord.
-I have officially quit playing video games. I haven't played any in a couple of months, and I don't miss them anymore.
-More weaknesses in my character have been brought to my attention. More than I wanted to realize, I suppose. It's been good for me though =)
-I've gained some much needed experience in voicing my thoughts when I knew they needed to be voiced. I've struggled with that in the past. Also, sometimes I have had a hard time in the past with being firm in my decision making.
-Self-control has improved considerably when compared to how I was a year ago, but I still have further to go.
-I really struggle with maintaining a schedule. Yet on the flip side, few things make me feel more miserable than to not have something useful or beneficial to do. I've grown to really hate being idle.

4. I applied for an internship with the campus church at my school. While I was not selected for the position (only 3 out of over 20 who applied were chosen), I was selected to be the alternate, should one of them meet some ill fate or change plans. Honorable mention is good enough for me, I honestly didn't expect to even get that! *evil grin* Imprecatory prayers, anyone?

5. I have officially gotten over my relationship with Rachel completely. Where will things go from there between she and I? *shrugs* I don't know.

6. I have not officially ended my self-imposed ban on getting a girlfriend. In Pastor Schettler terms, I suppose the equivalent would be "companion dating". Either way, I'm not ready for either one, and I refuse to burden any more girls in that area of my life until some of my immaturities have been taken care of. So there.

7. If you are a fan of the articles I've written in the past, it just so happens I recently started reading a book that talks about many of the things I have brought up in them. The title is Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis, and he did a far better job at it than I did. Check out that book, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

There, that should be enough reading material for you all. Good night, journal!
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