Article #8-- Flaws in Evolution

Aug 30, 2003 22:44

Billions of years ago, the universe began with a cosmic explosion, sending all kinds of matter and energy flying in all directions. Over time, these masses came together in swirling dust clouds, pulled together by the force of gravity. During a span of millions of years, the stars were born from these clouds of space dust. These gigantic masses of nuclear fusion at work eventually pulled large masses of matter closer and closer. These masses were planets, comets, asteroids, etc. A few lucky planets were close enough to their chosen star to have the correct temperature and gravitational pull. Even more rare, some had the proper elements to create life. Most rare of all, a chosen few were consistent enough in these conditions to sustain life.

The Earth was covered by mostly water at the beginning of it's "life" which began about 4.5 billion years ago. For some unknown reasons, the correct elements, in the right place and at the right time, were given just the right amount of a jolt necessary to spark the first, most basic forms of life. One-celled organisms. These primitive creatures fed off the natural elements in the environment, eventually reproducing by making copies of themselves, particularly the genetic code of information that was vital to their organic structure. Over time, these one-celled organisms became more and more complex, evolving more efficient means of absorbing edible materials. Some became carnivores, choosing to feed off other organisms instead. In response, those that were preyed upon developed natural defense measures. These organisms became increasingly complex, until fish, reptiles, birds, dinosaurs, fungi, dogs, cats, bears, kangaroos, trees, bushes, insects, spiders, and humans eventually came to be. And, these organisms are continuing to become more and more advanced, as new genetic information is developed in response to the increasingly complex environment, whether it be teeth, eyes, bone structure, fingers, claws, sexual organs, hair, poison glands, toenails, or even new species. This is how our universe came to be what it is today, and by this we can chart and speculate on what the past held, what is presently happening in our world, and what the future might bring.

As of the end of my public school education, this is what the average evolutionist would tell you in a nutshell. Up until my last year in high school, I never once questioned the idea of evolution or its validity, I just learned what the teachers told me to learn and trusted them at face value. On no other topic do I feel I have as much useless and incorrect information. My friends...we have been lied to.

Our society and the way we view events in life are saturated with the beliefs and terms of the evolutionists. Today it is merely assumed to be true.

Mars will be the closest it has been in 60,000 years. (It is implied by this statement that we know that this has happened before, it is routine, and presumably will happen again. Actually, only a series of mathematical equations were used to compute this statement. We don't actually know if it was this close 60,000 years ago, we just know that according to the Mathematicians, that the observed movements of Mars indicates that it would have taken that many years without ANY interruption in its orbit other than what usually affects it)

Superbugs are diseases that have evolved an immunity or resistance to antibiotics in response to these medications. (You can find an interesting article here concerning this topic. To sum it up, this is not the result of new genetic information being created in response to the environment, as evolution claims, but rather a loss of genetic information. Just to nip it completely in the bud, frozen germs hundreds of years old that have been thawed out have been tested for antibiotic resistance[these germs were far older than even the mere idea of making antibiotics] and you know what? Some of these germs were resistant to antibiotics, having never been exposed to antibiotics. The genetic information for resistance to antibiotics never needed to be created, it was already there. For an analogy, if every human being(bacteria) had hot lava(antibiotics) dumped on them, we would not all of a sudden develop immunity to lava(antibiotics). We would all be crispy critters or we would already have a resistance or defense to lava (antibiotics)in place beforehand.

There are many aspects of evolution, and for me to try to tackle them all at once would require a greater deal of time and space than I can do right now. Instead, I will offer you some things to consider and think upon.

1. Our dating methods, like carbon dating and such, are unreliable. Take a glance at this for an example, and if that doesn't convince you, give this one a shot.

2. There is NOTHING we know of that creates new genetic information. Radiation does not mutate genes into something new. There's a reason why there are "DANGER" signs on anything with high amounts of radiation. You don't see people taking radioactive showers so that their future offspring will be better off in the genes.

The environment does not spawn new genetic information. If I work out every single day, and double my muscle mass (woohoo!), my children are no more likely to have unusual levels of strength for my family line. Genes can determine potential, but used potential does not create new genes or manipulate their chances of being passed on. Only the potential is passed on.

Mutations do not create new genetic information. They are merely corruptions of pre-existing data. Copying mistakes. When you copy something, the best you can hope for is a duplicate, not something superior. Mutations are a loss of genetic information, not a gain. Like smudges on a copied piece of paper. Genetic diseases result from these copying mistakes. Things like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Evidence shows that the gene pool for any isolated group thins out instead of adding to the pool. Take Darwin's finches. One island had straight beaked finches, the other had curved beak finches. Evolution? No, thinning of the gene pool. Banging your head repeatedly against a tree that you can't get your beak into is not going to make your offspring have different beaks, it's going to be you and your offspring's death because you can't sink your beak into the tasty bugs you want to eat. You die out, and the birds who already had the more appropriate beaks survive.

3. Concerning the origins of the universe, it's common knowledge that something cannot create itself, nor can something come from literally nothing. The Big Bang, the Big Crunch, and all the other godless explanations for our origins strike out since none of them can explain where the matter and energy for that supposed giant explosion came from. Go back to my earlier articles for an explanation as to why the universe had to have a beginning and why God did not have to be created.

4. The fundamental law of biology is that like produces like. Fish reproduce fish. Cats reproduce cats. Humans reproduce humans. Notice the word, "reproduce". Try looking up some homonyms on that word. Here's a question--if different species have different amount of chromosomes in the reproductive process(as in, humans could never reproduce with a cat because humans have 22 chromosomes that they give that must all be matched with 22 corresponding and compatible chromosomes, and cats don't have exactly 22 chromosomes nor are they compatible with ours), then how could these different "sets" of chromosomes for each species be somehow "evolved", and even if it could happen, how would that creature reproduce since it would be the first of it's kind with a different amount of chromosomes? Molecules to man evolution is impossible because of this hurdle!

5. Evolutionary scientists are biased. Why? Remember that previous article that talked about Origins Science, and the assumption that is the entire foundation for that science? Evolution is an attempt to explain why we exist without need for a God or Creator. Yes the Creationist scientists are biased as well, but when it comes to Origins Science, avoiding bias is impossible. Your opinion on that primary assumption that is the foundation of Origins Science determines your bias. Therefore, it's not a matter of avoiding bias, but rather, which bias do the facts of life truly support?

6. Some of the most ardent evolutionists include Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. All of them used evolution as an excuse for their actions. Neonazis believe that their "race" is superior to all other humanity. Stalin and Lenin both used the godlessness of evolution as an excuse to justify murdering millions of people. Want some quotes? I'll track some down and edit them in at a later date. The point here is that believing in evolution has done far greater harm than any good it could ever hope to achieve. Evolution has also been used to excuse racism and the murder of countless aborigines in Australia for being "too primitive to be human". You could, at one point and time, buy your own stuffed aborigine(!)

7. Let's clear up a myth right now. Survival of the fittest and adaption are not evolution, nor are they incompatible with creationism. Rather, they are a testament to the versatility and perfection of God's creation.

8. The experiment where scientists supposedly created life with organic compounds, the right environment, and electricity were long ago debunked and discredited. It was a clever hoax, and no respectable scientist will deny that. Don't post that drivel on my Livejournal, it's not welcome here. Lies and sloppy scholarship are unacceptable. Look it up for yourself and do your homework on it if you don't believe me.


To sum it all up, evolution has gotten it backwards and inaccurately as well. We aren't getting more complex. Our gene pools are all thinning out. The cheetah, for example, is expected to die out by the latter half of this century because its gene pool has spread so thin. You could take two completely random cheetahs, mate them, and their genes would be closer than you and your brothers and sisters. Where is the god of evolution and why did he quit making the cheetah better? Take a look at pure bred dogs. They have more problems with genetics and diseases because of the intentional thinning out of the gene pool by human meddling.

Furthermore, our current people groups are a testament to the Biblical account. After the tower of Babel, it is recorded that many different people groups spread out to different areas. Though we humans have different facial features, skin color, eye color, hair color, height, genetic strengths, and genetic weaknesses, one thing holds true in that our blood type compatibility and our chromosome compatibility insures that we all have a common ancestor. The first man and woman. Adam and Eve ain't no made up story people, and even the evolutionists will give the Biblical account some credit.
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