Nov 04, 2008 23:53

Hello. To all my friends and readers, and to anyone else who happens to stop by, I am thrilled to be able to say...

Welcome back to the United States of America.

338 electoral votes. Three hundred. And thirty-eight. Republicans, take heed; THIS is what a mandate looks like.

Getting here was not easy. On the radio today there were numerous reports of Republican "election observers" (which is a euphemisitic way of saying "vote suppressors") who examined ballots and singled out Democratic voters for harrassment. In some precincts the villians had to flee as the precinct workers themselves chased them out. No one is falling for their dirty tricks again.

In January of 2001 George W. Bush gave an inaugural address that chilled me to the bone. It oozed insincerity and avarice and barely-veiled predatory jingoism like no other political speech I had heard given in my lifetime. And I began to fear that the times ahead of us would be far worse than I initially thought.

And I was horribly right.

Just moments ago I heard a man only a handful of years my senior give a victory speech that spoke with unwavering conviction of all the best things that Americans can achieve and all that we can be, given by a man who, unlike his his predecessor, actually won the election. A man of intelligence, thoughtfulness, leadership and deliberation. A man I respect.

It's been what feels like an eternity since I've looked to the White House and found someone there who is worthy of my respect. I can wait a little longer. January 20, 2009.

That day will give us a White House inhabited by an American, leading a House and Senate with solid American majorities in each. The Republicans, with their hatred of freedom and liberty, will have to adjust. And probably split.

As our President-elect himself has said, the road ahead is going to be hard. There is a lot of damage to undo, a lot to rebuild. But we can do the work. Yes, we can.

And we will.

America is back.

"Though we are not now that strength which in old days moved Earth and Heaven, that which we are, we are: One equal temper of heroic heart, made weak by time and fate but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Alfred, Lord Tennyson as quoted by Jeffrey Sinclair, commander of Babylon 5


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