Broken Pieces of Me

Sep 24, 2005 14:25

Have we learned nothing? Is money all that you love? Have you no respect for the eons of abuse the world creatures have suffered at the hands of men like you? If you care, you can make the difference...but will you show us that mankind can learn from its mistakes, or will you keep us repeating them until there is nothing left in this world? -My petition signature to Bush

The second season of aerial wolf gunning in Alaska ended this past spring. All told, 276 wolves were gunned down by shooters in aircraft in an effort to artificially boost moose and caribou populations for sport hunters. The Alaska Board of Game plans to allow aerial hunters to kill hundreds more wolves starting late fall, but thanks in part to Defenders' efforts, aerial wolf gunning will not be allowed on national park and national wildlife refuge lands in the state. The board also approved the baiting and killing of 80 grizzly bears along the Canadian border. Visit to learn more.

WOLVES IN ALASKA: Help Stop Aerial Gunning: DOW

Stop Aerial Gunning of Wolves in Alaska: The Petition Site

x-posted to

...I haven't cried this hard in a long time...
...I feel like my heart is being torn out... piece at a time... wolf at a time...

...spare me your rage at my petition signature...I hurt enough as it is...

...anyone that posts rude or heartless comments to this, will be reported...don't fuck with me on this...I would willingly tear a human's throat out to save but one wolf...if you can't deal with that...go away...
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