That's excellent news, Nanakyi! And I've got more. :-) Straight from Wolflines about 20min ago:
February 1, 2005
William Lutz
Bagocius (202) 772-0239
Court Says Bush Administration Action Not
Based on Science or Law
Washington, DC - A U.S. District Court
today blocked a Bush Administration effort to prematurely weaken protections for
the gray wolf and restored federal protections for the species in the lower 48
states. The court chastised the Bush Administration’s policy as not based on
science or the law and as merely an attempt to remove the wolf from the
Endangered Species Act list as quickly as possible. Defenders of Wildlife was
the lead plaintiff, along with 18 other groups, in a lawsuit to prevent the
premature delisting of the endangered species. The group was represented by
Faegre & Benson based in Minneapolis.
“We all want to see the wolf recover to the
point where it no longer needs federal protection. But, that recovery must be
based on a proper review of the best science available,” stated Rodger
Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife’s President. “The Bush Administration failed
to do this and proposed prematurely removing protections for the wolf and today
the Court called them on it.”
Defenders filed suit after an April 1, 2003
decision by the Fish and Wildlife Service to downlist the wolf from "endangered"
to "threatened." The move weakened protections for the wolf in most regions, and
sharply limited other potential areas for wolf recovery. The Court ruled today
that it was unlawful for the Administration to weaken legal protections for the
wolf in large areas of its historic range based on recovery success in a just a
few core areas like the Northern Rockies and Great Lakes. Today’s decision
effectively blocks, or calls into serious question, other Bush Administration
wolf proposals, most importantly their attempt to remove protections entirely
for wolves in the Northeast.
“Today’s decision shows that the Bush
Administration is not a true partner when it comes to species conservation, that
they only want to remove species protections as quickly as possible, regardless
of what the science shows,” stated Schlickeisen. “It is only when all
stakeholders, federal and local, work together, using the best available
science, that true progress on species conservation can be
It looks like we're not alone in the world, and Bush's money-sucking schemes have been exposed. This is a goal for the good guys, packmates.