thank you

Feb 28, 2010 07:44

First, specifically, Mitrian - for bringing up this idea, spending the months it took to convince me of this idea, and taking the time to start to Comm - she is the awesomest awesome person ever to have awesomely helped a friend in an awesome way.

second, i would like the thank everyone else who has come, to bid or contribute or in a few cases just plain donate. i cannot express my appreciate enough.

third, i have a request. it's not a new request :) it's more of a repeat request -

could anyone, everyone, and your little dog, too, please signal boost again?

it has thus far gone well, at this level. and its great. it's wonderful - BEYOND wonderful.
i know [i BELIEVE, and i've seen it happen] that if we can get this spread far and wide, it will take off faster than a rocket. at this point, about half the money i need for insurance until June has been raise. that is amazing.

i feel very guilt, and very bad, at asking for help at all. hence the auction.

so, please - if you could signal boost, everywhere you can. again on your LJs, on Comms, on other social site [the boyfriend posted a small something of Facebook - if anyone likes facebook, i don't see why it shouldn't be used]

see, social security just turned me down AGAIN. because, according to them, i "have full control over all parts of my body, only minor impact upon my movement, and am able to hold many jobs". being that i can't PICK UP my right leg at all, can barely walk 20 feet, can neither bathe nor dress alone, and cannot even SIT for more than 20 minutes at a time [on a GOOD day, mind - on a bad day, sitting is right the hell out] i have come to the conclusion that SOMEONE at SSI is just crazy.
so now i need to hire a lawyer. if i could work, i would be working this is the ONLY time in my adult like where i have been without a job for than a few weeks, and all of those were along the lines of "i found a new job, here's my two weeks" "we appreciate that, but you don't need to work 'em. take a vacation before the new job starts".

i hate that i need help.
i think that i hate even more how much Mitrian and you guys have invested, and it hasn't hit a lot of places yet. so, please, everyone - boost. for Mitrian's work, if nothing else :)

i *DO* appreciate all the work, even if i can't find a way that properly defines how awesome nd wonderful you ALL are...

thank you
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