Mar 12, 2005 01:07
You're the one who said "you couldn't wait to see me" and that "you have missed me so much" and now, I knew you meant it.
Promising someone you'll come and see them after an operation is something friends do. But you broke that what does that make us? And that's putting it lightly. Not only did you break your promise, you completely blew me off without so much as a phone call. You're making it very clear how much I still mean to you.
I mean getting tied up with this or that is one thing, but have the decency to make a phone call or at the very least send an IM explaining why you couldn't make it.
It gets better though, because when asked about your lie about it. You blatantly lied right to me about it. You conjured up some bullshit story to cover up for yourself, when I had known all along where you really were and what you did. If you're going to lie, don't be stupid about it. "haven't seen me in forever" and "can't wait to get together."
Good to know I don't even come in second to a cat.
Don't try turning this around on me either, saying "I used to be someone you could always talk to" because the truth of the matter is...I haven't changed, you have. Don't blame it on a "rough week." And weakest of all was the "I forgot" do you forget plans made 1 day didn't forget, you didn't care.
You're not going to get any sympathy from me, becasue at this point you don't deserve it.
You broke a promise (may not have meant much to you, but it was important to me)
And you lied (which I never thought you would do, not to me at least)
Some of you may consider this harsh...forgive me for holding someone to their word. But would you feel?
"When it all goes to hell will you be able to tell me you're sorry with a straight face."