I think donating the overage to Freedom Farm is perfect. But, really, I think Dave could use it as a buffer for next month's mortgage payment, if that was needed.
Yeah, we definitely don't want Dave falling behind again after all this. Maybe give him the money and tell him what we were thinking and he can pledge that amount to charity when he's more stable or somesuch?
I think that's a great idea! I just think it's so awesome that all of us who don't know Dave except for the posts in this community were able to help a guy keep his *home*. (And, as lee_rowan put it in her auction post, we do *not* need the banks picking up more land. So it's a total win situation.) :-)
Can't wait to hear a report about Dave's reaction after he's told. It's sort of like giving someone the perfect surprise birthday present.
Say, for example, to pick an easy number, we make 1K over our goal.
We give Dave the 1K and say "Hey, here's an extra 1K. We were going to give it to Freedom Farm."
The idea would then be that at some point in the future, Dave would give Freedom Farm 1K, but he doesn't have to do it all at once! This way, he right now has a 1K buffer, and godnose when you don't have a buffer, that's when you absolutely need ones.
However long it would take him to give 1K to Freedom Farm would be between him and his bank book.
This way we give to Freedom Farm without taking away what could be a much-needed extra bit of safety net for Dave.
This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Freedom Farm is a good long-term goal, but sometimes even when you deal with the crisis, there's always next month looming with new threats. I'd like to know Dave would have a bit of a cushion.
AngelVixen :-)
Can't wait to hear a report about Dave's reaction after he's told. It's sort of like giving someone the perfect surprise birthday present.
We give Dave the 1K and say "Hey, here's an extra 1K. We were going to give it to Freedom Farm."
The idea would then be that at some point in the future, Dave would give Freedom Farm 1K, but he doesn't have to do it all at once! This way, he right now has a 1K buffer, and godnose when you don't have a buffer, that's when you absolutely need ones.
However long it would take him to give 1K to Freedom Farm would be between him and his bank book.
This way we give to Freedom Farm without taking away what could be a much-needed extra bit of safety net for Dave.
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