Hand-knit Fashion Scarf

Oct 26, 2009 23:11

I don't know Dave, but I want to help. And I know there isn't much time before the big reveal, so I'm offering a scarf that will be similar to one I made earlier this year but that hasn't actually been knit yet. (Give me a week or so and I can knock it out.) Instead of blues as in the image below, this one will be made with Lion Brand Incredible "Autumn Leaves". (You can see "Autumn Leaves" at http://cache.lionbrand.com/yarns/incredible.htm).

Minimum bid $10.00. Auction closes at Midnight on October 31st. I will pay shipping as long as the scarf is going somewhere in the good ol' USA.

item: knitted, item: handmade, auction, item: scarf, ending 10.31

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