Aug 04, 2012 21:35
o1. on audiobooks
I've finished the five books of Song of Ice and Fire. I'm hoping it won't take forever for the sixth to come out. Tried A Series of Unfortunate Events for a while but I found that I really have grown out of the kiddy genre, despite my undying love for Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss books. I'm currently listening to the first book of the Discworld series and as with my trouble when I started SIF, I have no idea how to spell out the characters' names.
o2. the thing that stresses me out the most
I've misplaced my passport. Funny how my recollection of it was when I used it as identification for writing an affidavit of loss.
o3. on hair
A week ago I got my hair cut and it lost its magic approximately 13.5 hours after I left the salon. It had waves where I didn't want it to have waves and made my face even rounder than it usually is. I got my hair straightened/relaxed just this afternoon. My mother says it looks wonderful.I wish I had the same optimism as her.
o4. frustration
A coworker bought this huge bread covered with thick chocolate from the newly opened bread shop at our place. It tasted like *boom, harp strings, whoosh* in my mouth. I went to that shop four separate days and failed each time to procure said heavenly bread. My mouth waters at the sheer memory of the last bite.