[some of] the things that make me happy

Aug 12, 2010 23:53

good, smooth art
real food
the craft of words
cold mornings and breezy afternoons
uninterrupted sleep
small, random acts of kindness
cake and cookies and candy
green apples
peach tea
the feel of the bass pounding with the beat of the song
the rain
new worlds, old worlds; creation and reinvention
black bears and polar bears and hippos and giraffes and lions (and cats)
colors, shapes, patterns, textures
singing out high and loud with no reservations
clothes that fit right
being able to hug the people I want to hug
my black pens
long, unbiased debates
cereal when it's in between the state of being crunchy and being soggy in milk

the sight of my messy scrawl filling up entire pages
cold water that doesn't taste alkaline
my niece telling me how awesome I am
my younger niece calling me to play with her
when somebody holds an umbrella above my head without me asking to
having short discussions while walking
bright smiles and gentle smiles
genuine concern
tacos, nachos, burritos
pizza, spaghetti, carbonara
snark and wit
clean formats (easy to read and good to look at)
when somebody sings when I ask
research and art projects
really cold bath water during summer
personal stories from decades ago
old, wooden furniture and ancestral homes
reminiscing about things from our childhood
answering tests that I actually studied for
the feeling after finishing an artwork
old movies, older movies, action flicks, movies based on books that do the book justice
bags where my things fit
the convenience of handshowers
my notebooks
me actually remembering things from textbooks

say, pensée

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