season-ender blasted my heart into a hundred pieces. Where else would a sad fangirl turn to regain her happiness and see the things like she wanted them to happen? Fanfiction, of course. XD
All the fanfiction linked below are completed stories.
Doctor Donna by esama
Donna forgets, learns, remembers and she carries on. (Action/Adventure/Drama)
Best cure for my heart ache. And when I mean best I mean she wrote it exactly how I wanted it to happen. Okay, not exactly, but better.
The Pursuit of a Sappyness by The Noble Platypus
The Doctor and his companion have a late-night discussion after a nightmare. (Humor/Hurt/Comfort)
This my favorite among the DW humor fics!
A Plan With One Obvious Flaw by netgirly2k
A Female Time Lord, the one thing that had been missing from his cunning plan to repopulate Gallifrey. (Humor)
Long Way for a Shortcut by netgirly2k
Obviously half-inching the TARDIS when the Doctor wasn't looking was not a decision they'd come to lightly. (Humor)
If only things were that easy.
Playing Favorites by Mindy35
Donna asks the Doctor the question no woman could resist long. (Humor/Friendship)
This is how Donna and the Doctor would sound like if they flirted/teased each other. In good humor, of course.
And you've got their shoes by netgirly2k
The Doctor, Donna and a misadventure with a bodyswap machine. (Humor)
*I don't ship Doctor/Donna. I just happen to like Donna very, very much.