Snow and substance

Dec 03, 2010 17:03

The early chill and snowfall affected me at the beginning and end of it's frozen reign. When it started I had a bad cold, having recovered I went into work during the peak of the snow, but at the end the final big freeze got to my car though of all things, its mechanical door locks.
I've fixed the drivers side door but the passenger door now opens only from the inside and can't be mended. It's just as well that it recently passed its MOT, at least I've got time to get a new car and I'll know that any second hand car that survives this winter should run ok.

Just as the reactionary policies to deal with the recession by the UK government continues to bring our country's leaders into disrepute, so other poorly run nations such as Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain have not only had major problems, their economic issues continue unabated.
But it takes something bigger, like the Wikileaks saga, to make the world truly seem like a smaller place.

For a start these leaks don't appear to be anything new.
I had already heard most of the 'revelations' from open and government trustworthy news sources such as the BBC, that they were quickly hushed and buried under spin was unsurprising but it has to be said that the truth was already quite openly out there, for those who cared to look.
Then the press publishes some of the more juicy and embarrassing (but actually quite minor) facts and this once known knowledge becomes common knowledge. That is, told to the man in the street rather than heard by someone listening to terrestrial UK radio.

Suddenly, all heads of state are in a state of apoplectic rage against having the truth told. How dare someone remind the people that a few powerful individuals around the world are venal, power hungry, sex crazed, stupid, ineffectual or just plain mad.
In a world stage fed by political spin, those individuals are losing the PR battle and they'll use their wealth and power to punish the insult of revealing the truth about them.

They have shut down Wikileaks through paying hackers to use DDOS attacks, frying Wikileaks servers but it's only damage limitation because it won't stop these leaks, nor will it stop future websites from setting up or individuals in the free press from publishing. Besides which it makes governments look very petty.
China are now failing to gag the internet as their population becomes increasingly internet savvy and their example of muzzling Google would be greeted in the same way as a gagging of the free press, as one of totalitarian control.

As Julian Assange has no criminal background, which is particularly annoying for them, of all places Sweden surprisingly decided to fabricate 'evidence' of Julian Assange's criminal activity. Two women who claim that he raped them but who also say that the sex was consensual. This should involve being questioned by police and then either charged or released. But to raise a red notice with Interpol was so OTT that it now looks like both a setup and a case of sour grapes.

Governments can wave the official secrets act and make almost anything disappear through the law courts but again, only in their own countries and it can take years for this to work.
If there are genuinely dangerous leaks (such as revealing details of ongoing covert military operations) then this would be a case for his immediate arrest but many countries are already poring through the leaks looking for the tiniest illegality and haven't found one yet.
I assume that they will eventually but since it's taking them so long, it's likely to be something less sensitive than some things that are legally reported through accepted media channels. Nevertheless, Assange will be considering his travel options.

Assange also appears to be well aware that his being assassinated is a possibility as he's reported to be in hiding, using cash only and continually switching his mobile phones.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's dyed his hair and grown a beard.
Some government will probably consider using a co-operative person with no official attachment to kill him but success of such a mission would lead to their reputation being severely damaged, far more than by the leaks themselves.

What they have failed to consider is what I would advise any government or powerful individual to do in this circumstance... Do nothing.

These leaks were previously circulated and so admitting the gross imperfections in character, government and society would be welcomed, admit the failures and mistakes - everyone's human.
Tell the truth to the people, everyone can see the sugar coating and isn't fooled - as some point every dying patient really does want an honest answer and not a 'you'll be fine' placebo.
Then they should make an effort to fix the global problems that they themselves have caused instead of being in denial or making a horrific economic situation impossible by taking even more money from ordinary working people while continuing to profit themselves.
And let Assange go free to any country that will accept him, his whistle blowing moment in the sun has come, the damage is done and it will only go if they let it.

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