What goes on

Dec 09, 2009 00:25

One week and end lies between me and the run to the festive period, but even that sort of starts now.
I gave the work Christmas shindig a miss, I'm opting out of such events until I'm convinced things are better at work. The atmosphere is much improved, to the point where management appears to be listening to reason for the first time in 18 months.
Early days yet on that but the upshot is that it's not a chore at present, apart from the badly thought out holiday booking regulations which I'll be lobbying to have amended. It's introduction in the spring has meant that I can't take time off when I need it for gigs (fortunately we've been playing mostly Fridays and Saturdays) and halted my home improvement plans, those left of which require me to be present when others are doing the work.
I put some shelves up for Mog on Sunday and I'll be having my first Christmas meal with her, RV and some of their friends. That part of the menu was actually cheaper than the normal food for a change.

Tomorrow I need to do the third and final mix of the new Hackenbush recording. I put the internet mixes up a few days ago but they need tweaking and I want it done before Friday's gig at the Lion, our last of the year.
Impressed with my track recording of Wolftickets, Steve finally gave up his philosophical stance that everything has to be live for the sake of the music. Good choice. I can now mix without having to fiddle endlessly with the EQ (and destroy the top end in the process) just to be able to hear all the instruments. They just need a little tweaking, shouldn't take more than a few hours.
Our Christmas song, 'Clementine', is being packaged in a limited edition Christmas card just for family and close friends, I hope the packaging for the rest of the songs arrive in time too.

Saturday I'll want to do some more shopping, I can endure the crowds it's looking for a parking space that's getting tough. In the evening, me and half the band are going up to Leeds to see The Mars Volta, the only downside being that since I'm driving, I can't drink.
Then on Sunday I'll make a start on the present wrapping, it's a good way to discover what you've forgotten to buy - better now than later!

Early start tomorrow, bed now.
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