Oct 03, 2005 22:27
Justin came up to Perk finally for the first time! We layed in the lobby and watched a movie. It was nice, but next time I'm just going to come home.
We had an away game at Co-Lin on Saturday and we won again! 30-27! It was a looong game and a looong bus ride. We got back to Perk around 10pm and me, Hillary and Courtney went to hattiesburg. We went to Ropers and then to a friend's apartment and met up with some other friends. Came back to school on Sunday and hung out with Courtney a little bit, rearranged our room, and slept a lot!
I didn't even go home at all...I MISS MY MOMMY :( I'm definitely going home sometime next weekend. I think I'm going to go home actually tomorrow night to see Justin and my family and wash some clothes :)
Tonight I had to study for American Government and tomorrow I think I have to study for Psychology and go home. Wednesday I think everyone is going to Bougaloosa again FINALLY! I can't wait! Thursday we have a pep-rally and a parade. The Homecoming game is on Saturday and I might go out and then go home Sunday.
Today I talked to Emily. A huge weight has been lifted for both of us and I'm really glad. I'm finally over everything and it seems pointless to have any bad feelings towards anyone now that we're all in college and growing up. I'm really glad I did...really glad. Healing takes time and today it was time enough :)
I'll update soon, goodnight!