Aug 10, 2005 00:03
i guess i kinda feel like no ones ever around just to pass time, do you know that everyday i say im bored and what do i do about it, nothing i sit at home bored. and then when i have work or have my i hate my life times people are always like hey lets hang out, thats gay! i want people to call me up and say "i was just really bored and jank you wanna help me just sit around and do nothing all day" i want to hear that. ahh whatever. well i work til 7 tomorrow and i guess ill just be sitting at home if anyone wants to hangoutcall if not i think ill sleep. i worked today and its sad that 6 hours of work wears me out, i think its because my left arm is broken or well close to it, its useless, i got 2 shots yesturday in it, its num and when its not num its sore, i dont know it really hurts stupid doctors and there shots! well other then that i guess im busy til saturday. i feel really good cause i finished Alexs bday gift its so cool, i really really wish his bday would just come cause im not sure if ill be able to wait to give it to him. oh well. 20 days til i start college....