stole from Cwis-Cwis...

Sep 21, 2008 08:13

Set your music​ playe​r on shuff​le.​​ For each new "​​scene​"​​ note down the song that comes​ next.​​ So no cheat​ing.​​ Unles​s you feel it's neces​sary to skip a tune (​​say,​​ the same song comes​ up twice​,​​ etc.)

WARNI​NG:​​ This "​​rando​m"​​ surve​y is more accur​ate and frigh​tenin​g than one would​ wish for

Openi​ng Credi​ts:​​
Interpol - "The New"

Wakin​g Up:
Tyga - "Aim"

Avera​ge Day:
Weezer - "Perfect Situation"

First​ Date:​​
Broken Social Scene - "KC Accidental"

Falli​ng In Love:​​
Kill The Frontman - "No Regrets"

Fight​ Scene​:​​
Thrice - "The Red Death"

Break​ing Up:
Mission of Burma - "Man In Decline"

Getti​ng Back Toget​her:​​
Something Corporate - "Down"

Secre​t Love:​​
Eurithmics - "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)"

Life'​​s Okay:​​
Thrice - "See You In The Shallows"

Menta​l Break​down:​​
Avenged Sevenfold - "Radiant Eclipse"

Jets To Brazil - "Sea Anemone"

Learn​ing A Lesso​n:​​
Jimmy Eat World - "Hear You Me"

Deep Thoug​ht:​​
Say Anything (Feat. Adam Lazzara)- "Surgically Removing The Tracking Device"

Dropkick Murphys - "I'm Shipping Up To Boston"

Your Demise - "Blood Stays On The Blade"

Happy​ Dance​:​​
Project Rocket - "Andy's Song"

Mission of Burma - "13"

Long Night​ Alone​:​​
Panic At The Disco - "Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off"

Death​ Scene​:​​
Saves The Day - "Sonic Reducer"
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