Books to sell

Feb 11, 2012 19:00

Just utilizing my LJ to sell off some of my books! (If you all are still my friends, you can purchase as well! I am more than willing to ship.)

These are all paperback, unless otherwise noted!

Pictorial Key to the Tarot- Arthur Edward Waite $5

Dreams of Terror and Death- HP Lovecraft $5

The Things on the Doorstep- HP Lovecraft $5

The Call of Cthulhu- HP Lovecraft $5

The Doom Came to Sarnath- HP Lovecraft $5

All 4 Lovecraft Books $15

The Field Guide to Demons- Carol K. Mack and Dinah Mack $10

Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives Vol. 1 (manga)- Ellen Schreiber and REM $4

Labyrinth- Kate Moss $7 (NOT Jim Henson)

The Bride's Survival Guide- Sharon Naylor $6

The Art of War- Sun-tzu (hardcover, no dustjacket) $10

Major American Poets- Various $7

Hot Number- Sheridan Smythe $2

Poetics- Aristotle $4

Tokyo Boys and Girls Vol. 1 (manga)- Miki Aihara $5

Skip Beat! Vol. 2 (manga)- Yoshiki Nakamura $5

Bizenghast the Novel- Shawn Thorgensen and M. Alice LeGrow $5

Alichino Vol. 1 (manga)- Kouyu Shurei $5

Crimson Hero Vols. 1 & 2 (manga)- Mitsuba Takanashi $5 each or $8 for both

Sailor Moon Vols. 6, 11, & Stars 2 (2000 Tokyopop manga)- Naoko Takeuchi $5 each, $8 for 2, $12 for 3

Demons Don't Dream- Piers Anthony (damaged cover) $2

Stomp!- Nicholas Van Pelt (no cover) $2

Midsummer Night's Dream- Shakespeare (New Folger Library version) $4

Far Side Gallery 4- Gary Larsen $8

The Art of Drawing Manga- Ben Krefta $8

Teach Yourself: Trigonometry- P. Abbot $5
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