My bad

May 17, 2009 22:49

Eek, ok, so I totally haven't posted here in forever, mostly because I like lurking and following my freinds (Who the hell cares about what I have to say anyway?)

So I thought that I'd have a chance to slow down and mellow out once school was out, but alas, not the case. I'm trrrrrying to get a buffer on my comic because there's a bunch of places I wanna submit applications to (and consequently, tailor my portfolio more towards them), but I always seem to be falling behind STILL (though Acen and catching up on all those commissions certainly didn't help things). In any event, I did manage to send out some applications/portfolio samples on Thursday, and I got a bite from one! It's a small science fiction book publisher that said they loved my samples and will contact me for project work at the end of the summer (cuz I guess they handle all their new stuff post-con season, which makes sense), and I've also got a potential job illustrating a comic for my friend Josh as part of his new project (which probably won't pay all that great, but since Josh has worked for DC/Tokyopop on published titles it'll make ME look really good so I can have something with a name on it when I go showing my portfolio around...which would be awesome!! ).

But yeah, despite all this I can't help but feel a little anxious--I mean, I'm kinda not really thinking all that much about the future since we have a shit-ton of cons coming up that I'm going to have to get stuff ready for, but at the same time at the back of my mind I'm nervous about whether or not I'll have enough money to live on. Granted, I was able to support myself thus far on rocking the dollars from cons/commissions/comicking, but I mean, prior to Acen I only had $300 in my bank account. This year I'm going to have to pay for my own health insurance, student loans, and I still owe brion a bunch of money due to my dad not being able to pay the last little bit of my tuition. I also really wanna have book 3 come out next year, so there's so many things!!

But all I can do at this point is just keep pushing forward. I have faith in my work, and I think I'll be able to get more jobs as time goes on since it seems like Arting is like a snowball effect--one job leads to the next which leads to the next next next. I figure at the worst case scenario I can always get a full-time job at an Ad agency, because I know with my skills and portfolio I'd be able to get one without that much difficulty, but I really like working out of my house and setting my own hours, so I really hope it doesn't come down to that.... But like I said, forward momentum--all you can do =)
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