Snowflake Challenge - Day #14

Jan 29, 2022 17:00

Challenge #14

In your own space, post your pictures of your fandom scavenger hunt results. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Look around your current space, whether digital or brick-n-mortar. Post a pic or description of:

1. A fannish item

Uh. I can see a few right now. There are three Funko Pops on a window ledge: a porg from Star Wars, Gerralt of Rivia from The Witcher, and Wonder Woman riding a black pegasus. There are three stuffed nifflers (a large grey one and smaller black and black-and-white ones in a basket and a stuffed Cthulhu and three stuffed bunny rabbit Peeps (yeah, like the candy) on the back of the sofa (the Peeps are a large purple lavender one, a medium rainbow one, and a small light blue one). On my computer table, I have a replica iron coin from Game of Thrones, the one Jaqen H'ghar gives to Arya. It has the Faceless Man on one side. The other has an intertwined “VMD” in the middle with “Valar Morghulis” and “Valar Dohaeiris” around the outside.

I guess I'd count all my planners/binders/journals/washi/stickers/pens/makers in the rolling utility cart next to me too. ^_^

2. Something round

To my right, I have four small crystal spheres. Two medium ones are a darker aqua aquarmarine with sparkles in the light and a blue lace agate. Two small ones are a rose quartz and a rainbow sheen quartz.

3. Something that is your favorite color

Again, I’m going for my crystals. I have a dark purple sphalerite tower with white druzy caves, two small chevron amethyst towers, a small deep purple and clear fluorite tower, a rainbow fluorite toward, a rainbow fluroite cupcake shaped, and a pale purple spirit quartz cluster. Across the room, I have a crystally chunk of amethyst and a large, deep purple lepidolite tower.

4. The last game you played (video, phone, table top, etc.)

Immortal Diaries. It’s a dress-up, romance-all-the-hot-supernatural-boys game. Well, all the boys aren’t supernatural: one is a Halfblood vampire, one is a Pureblood vampire (who resembles Eric Northman from True Blood, one is a werewolf, and one is a human vampire hunter, which makes things complicated since your player character is a Halfblood vampire. Don’t judge me. ^_^

5. A book you are currently reading

I’m currently reading three:

Tessa Dare - A Week to Be Wicked (second in her Spindle Cove Regency romance series)
Jaymin Eve - Supernatural Academy: Year One (a college-age, indie-pubbed paranormal romance)
Britta Lundin - Ship It (a YA FF romance about fans and fandom)

6. Album art of the first song that comes up on shuffle

Well, I don’t have any lists to shuffle, so instead I will post the last song I listened to, which is the “It’s Thursday Night” intro/theme for Campaign 3 of Critical Role. Though I’m also addicted to Encanto’s “We Don’t Talk about Bruno.”

The last album I listed to was Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

7. The last movie you watched

Ummm. Spider Man: Far from Home. My sis and I masked up and braved COVID to go to the theatre to see it over the holidays. We both LOVED it.

Oh wait. No, I’m wrong. After our outing, we watched the first two Kingsman movies: Kingsman: The Secret Service and Kingsman: The Golden Circle. We liked them too for the quirky villains, the irreverent (and dark) humor, and the stylized gore and violence.

8. TV show you're currently watching

Just one? How about a few because if this post has proved anything I suck at choosing?

The Book of Boba Fett
The Legend of Vox Machina

9. The homescreen, lockscreen, or desktop wallpaper from your device

I am REMARKABLY bad about personalizing those things. Like really, REALLY bad. However, I have an animated purple, blue, pink cloudy pic where the clouds move if I press on my iPhone screen. On my laptop, my desktop has rotating pics of crystals and stones.

Banner by Seleneheart.
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