So Not Fair...

Apr 15, 2006 19:24

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I'm sick. After all the stress of March and then the all-consuming life-lag (rather like jet-lag without the excuse that you crossed several time zones) the first week of April, I felt worn down this whole week. I was taking care to get reasonable amounts of sleep (around seven hours), but each morning, I'd wake up feeling just plain exhausted. By the middle of the day, sometimes the middle of the morning, I could barely keep my eyes open.

While part of that was apparently PMS, the other part was blossoming sickness. Yesterday, my sinuses felt like they were trying to decide whether to explode, turning my head into a Scannersesque bit of carnage, or more quietly drown my brain in gallons of watery mucous. Last night, I slept for 13 hours, with a brief five-hour stint of wakefulness in the middle. I've been getting plenty of fluids, but I have no appetite. I don't feel sick to my stomach or anything. I just don't feel like eating.

Don't feel like doing much of anything except taking another nap, but there are papers to grade. Always papers. I can't tell you how happy I will be when this semester is over.
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