-is proud to announce-

Jun 19, 2005 06:12

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
-stares at yername-

EGADS!! i have a
piece of metal in my cock! says:
List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
what the fuck........do you really?

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
-marries you-

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
because your now officiallyperfect.

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
youwere pretty perfect before but now your even more so....you and i are getting married-nods-

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:
we are?

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:
fair nuff

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
-laughs and doesit proper like, gets on my knees an gazes up with pretty brown eyes, a skull ring in a pretty box resting on my palm- Ger....will You do me the honer of marrying me? -grins-

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:
the proper answer ish yes-l-

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:
yes then

List Clean up Day - Last Chance says:

EGADS!! i have a piece of metal in my cock! says:

your all invited, since we'll be liviung in his crampt lil place in Wales though your gon have to find your own place- rolls laughing-
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