Oct 20, 2003 03:40
1. I am right handed and do everything from holding my fork to fapping with my right hand.
2. I was born at 5:58am on July 30th, 1984
3. I have always been a tom boy and generally dislike dresses
4. My first concert was to see Tom Jones when I was like 10
5. I've had 4 different types of x-rays. Elbow, chest, teeth, head (MRI)
6. I am the youngest of 9 cousins
7. I like to watch the needle when getting blood tests
8. I've never been any farther east on the Australian mainland and I don't plan to
9. I have a large range of scars. Stars on my ears, a curved line on my forhead, squiggled lines on my back and an assortment on the top parts of my legs.
10. I wear a men's shoe size 9
11. I used to play the recorder in primary school before taking up bass in highschool
12. I can only speak small amounts of forgein languages and they are : German, Russian and Spanish
13. I used to write heaps of little stories from about age 6 to age 17
14. My favourite nickname is "Tonka" - those who know me will know why!
15. I love classic horror movies (old style like Texas Chainsaw, Reanimator and Friday the 13th)
16. My parents got divorced when I was 14 and plan to remarry in the next two years.
17. I have two older brothers.
18. I've had 9 pets in my life. Two dogs, a bird, an axolotyl and 5 fish.
19. I never grew out of the horse loving phase as a child and plan to own my own bunch of horses
20. I had the biggest crush on this guy William in primary school and my "best friend" Carley always used to embarass me in front of him
21. I kissed my first girl when I was 17
22. My eyes change colour from green to blue to grey
23. My hair has been dyed - red, blue, black, blonde, brown, orange, pink and purple
24. My favourite classes in highschool are Film Studies and Art
25. I would like to study either film making, auto mechanics or graphic design at Tafe next year
26. I love classic cars. Mainly Caddilacs and Chevys
27. I have my father's eyes, mouth and dark wavy hair
28. I have my mother's nose, feet and figure
30. I am very ticklish from my breasts to my knees
31. My smallest toe and finger (on both sides) are double jointed
32. I collect train tickets
33. Italians do it better
34. I have no religion but was raised a Christian
35. My other ride is your mother
36. I am a natural brunette with polished floorboards
37. I can curl my tongue and I can also whistle
38. My favourite colours and purple and blue but I dislike brown
39. I grew up playing Commander Keen and Monkey Island
40. I wear my watch on my right and all my bracelets on my left
41. My favourite meal is corn beef with mashed potatoes and peas or pasta
42. I am the oldest in my class as I am repeating. Yays
43. I have met 5 people off the internet, soon to be 6
44. I have multiple freckles on my arms and neck
45. I have techinically died once. My heart stopped when I was about 16.
46. The first man (other than my family) that I ever loved was Brad Pitt
47. I am 5'6" and 85kgs
48. I curl my toes when I really like something, whether it be chocolate icecream or sex
49. I am very opinionated and get pissy when people don't agree with me
50. I saw my first kitty when I was 5