Backtagging: I love backtagging and do it all the time. If you do too, that's awesome.
Threadhopping: If it looks like a serious or important thread, please ask first! Otherwise feel free.
Fourthwalling: I'd prefer if you didn't do this, but if you really want to, contact me.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm not comfortable with slurs or hateful language unless it's perfectly IC for the character. For personal reasons, I also am not interested in plots involving hardcore drug use. Other than that, anything goes!
Hugging this character: Saïx is not a huggy guy and will not appreciate your hugs. He won't kill you for them either, though.
Kissing this character: Expect a poor reaction, but you don't need to ask first or anything.
Flirting with this character: Expect little to no reaction, but go for it!
Fighting with this character: Contact me so we can work out how it goes, I'm always up for a good fight scene.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Mild injuries (cuts and bruises) you don't need to ask about, but anything more severe and I'd prefer if you contact me first.
Killing this character: As part of a plot, I'm totally willing to do this.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Saïx has no mental defenses, but since he has no heart, his emotional responses are dull and kind of... off. If your telepath can pick up that kind of thing, they'd probably notice that he has fewer emotions clouding his thoughts than most people.