Fandom: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Name: Larxene, XII
Age: Unsure, early twenties-ish?
Physical Description: Larxene is, compared to most other members of Organization XIII, fairly short and petite. She is very thin, with only a few curves which help define her as female. As her black Org XIII cloak is sexless, and she wears very little makeup, she can appear rather boyish. She does, however, wear high-heeled boots, to accentuate what curves she does have. She may not be the bustiest female out there, but she does enjoy showing off what she's got, especially if doing so will get her something.
She has blond hair, with two protruding bits on either side of her head. These portions stick up and back, resembling antennae. The rest of her hair is cropped rather short,just above her shoulders, adding to her boyish appearance. Her eyes are a bright teal/sea green. She has rather thin lips, which are often curved up into a smirk.
Point in Canon: After being killed by Sora and friends in KH:CoM.
Personality: Cold, controlling, calculating. In a phrase: evil bitch. Larxene, being the only female member of Org XIII, seems like she has a lot to prove. She's one of the lowest ranking members, despite her ambitious nature. Because of this, perhaps, she plotted with Marluxia to overthrow Org XIII, using Sora. She's extremely manipulative, and takes great pleasure in making fun of and hurting Sora. She taunts him into "remembering" Namine, pretending to sympathize with him, while still beating him up over not remembering the girl's name. Later, she accuses Namine of being a witch who plays with people's memories, taunting her about growing a conscience. Larxene has an innate ability to spot a person's biggest insecurity, and exploit it.
She's incredibly sarcastic, and often giggles childishly to prove her points. She can be flirtatious, as well, though it's unclear whether she means any of it, or if she's simply using it as yet another weapon.
Much of this could be a front for a slightly more vulnerable side. When Larxene was first inducted into the Organization, she told Axel that a heart is not really necessary, as they're painful, and she was fine with the way things were.
Despite her ruthless and manipulative nature, Larxene can be rather naive, especially when it comes to who to trust. Her trust in Axel is part of what betrays her and Marluxia's plan to overthrow the Organization. Her biggest weakness, however, is a loss of control. When Sora defeats her, she tells him that she won't ALLOW herself to be defeated by a bunch of losers, yet the darkness claims her and she fades away.
Overall, while there is a vulnerable side lurking within her, Larxene is a ruthless, ambitious bitch.
History of the Character: Although her history before she joined the Organization is unknown, it is clear that whatever circumstances brought about the loss of her heart are incredibly painful, and memories she wishes to leave behind. While the Organization's goal is to reclaim their hearts, Larxene's goal is less clear. She joined Marluxia's rebellion, and does seem to want power, but for what purpose? Perhaps she herself does not know.
Larxene and Marluxia were dispatched to Castle Oblivion in order to turn the keyblade master into a puppet that the Organization could use. However, the two had plans of their own. Using Namine, they implanted Sora with false memories, leading him deeper and deeper into their trap. When Axel asked Larxene about the plans, she assumed that he was in on the mutiny, but was wrong on that account.
When Vexen, another member of Org XIII creates a replica of Riku, Larxene suggests that Namine make the replica think he is the real Riku. This shows not only her manipulative nature, but the eagerness with which she watches and invites the destruction of others. She feels no remorse at toying with the replica or with Sora.
Later, after discovering Axel's two-faced play, she decides to kill Sora, in hopes of sabotaging Axel in return. She reveals the true nature of Namine's deceptions, as well as the fact that the Riku Sora has been fighting is a fake. However, Sora, with the help of his friends, overpowers her, and she fades into the darkness.
Magical Powers/Skills: Larxene is associated with the element of Thunder. She can cast thunder, as well as a number of related spells, including one which involves a grid of lighting bolts that chase her victim. She is also lightening quick (excuse the pun), and can use dark portals (just like all the other members of the organization).
Weapons: She has a set of kunai knives (collectively called Eclair - Thunder in French). These are individual knives (shaped like the Org XIII insignia) that she holds between each of her fingers. She uses them as claws, and throws them at her opponent.