...a hip-hop dancing Colin Powell fuels speculation that he'll endorse Obama. Apparently going to an "Africa Rising" event that reminds conservatives that he is black means that he is now "fueling speculation" that he'll endorse Obama. Because he danced...on a stage...with rappers...at an event celebrating African-American music and fashion...
...someone should see if Kid Rock is still a Republican.
No, I am not making this shit up. I wish I was. I don't know if it's possible for me to hate Fox News any more than I do, but "Fox News" has now officially become an adjective in my vocabulary. Basically if you deliberately put your shirt on backwards and said I hate your shirt-freedom for telling you that it's backwards...and it had a long list of racist and sexist epithets listed down the back of it, which you denied the existence of because you refused to turn your shirt around in order to see it and then when provided with a couple mirrors said that I was simply being over-sensitive or taking the phrases out of context...that would be very Fox News of you.
I'd say that Fox News is a joke, except it's more frightening to me than it is funny.