I must have tripped a Gypsy or something

Jan 23, 2011 23:08

Only after 28 days, my brand spanking new hard drive for my computer had busted.  I thought something was wrong three days ago when my computer lagged horribly and then crashed on me for no reason.  I scanned and cleaned it, hoping for the best and seeing some imporvment .  There were a few corrupted files but they only appeared once and nothing seemed to be affected by them.  Day two, I still had moments of horrible lag just by tring to click on an icon, but again there was improvement from the day before and no warnings popped up.  I discussed it with my sister and we agreed that a windows repair might do it some good.  However, being a little iffy with the CD, I wanted to ask my sister a few more questions before I did it.  Cut to today.  Everything was hunky dory!  No lags, no warnings... except for one that said my hard drive was bad and I should back up my material before it crashed.  I was an idiot, I know, but I didn't take it seriously.  I guess being desensitized with computers and being surrounded by tech people didn't help.  BUT, and that's a big but, I had that little voiced that warned me that something might happen, so I took my jump drive and got my grad school papers and a few other "important" documents onto it.

My brother, sister, and I had a scheduled play date near noon today and I wasn't going to let a stupid little warning message stop me!  I did ask my sister, tech master of all computers, and she said that I really should run windows repair after we were done, but it shouldn't be anything serious... maybe.  Mid game, I lagged.  Then I lagged some more.  I'm sure Nick my thief had died at the hands of a dwarf with the last name of Pebblemaster.  Then I crashed.  And that was the moment my hard drive couldn't take it anymore.  A few texts and then a call to my sister.  Restarting showed only the start up screen and a confirmation that my hard drive was bad.  Putting into the freezer didn't help.  Windows repair surprisingly did nothing, and probably wouldn't' have helped if I ran it in the first place.  After a few more tests, my sister confirmed it, having seeing such a thing before:  I had a bum drive from the beginning.

I guess you can say I moped for the entire day, doing nothing but reading and poking my computer.  I lost a lot of things on my computer that, even though they weren't necessary, I will miss and I can't collect again (pictures, manga dj, MY SONGS).  My sister says she has an old backup of my computer randomly on her external.  it shouldn't be on her external (I remember deleting it when I was done with some transferring), but I'm not complaining.  I'll take anything I had on my old computer.  In fact, I'm damn lucky that the thing broke BEFORE I went back to college.  I have time to run around and fix it/get a new one.

Now my laptop has just made an uncharacteristic beep and moan... nothing I have ever heard of coming from it's usually quiet.... noisemaker thing.  It's already has a broken battery (I can only use this thing if I plug it into the wall at all times).  Now I can hear a strange whistling sound from it and random electronic crackling.  Did it make these sounds before?  Am I being paranoid?  I'm scared for little lappy.  I'm scared I might be breaking every electronic I have known and loved.  Must I live with this curse!?  What's next, my MP3 Player?  nookie poo?

I don't know why I write here.  Maybe I'll look back and laugh at how things were.  I need some boy love.

laptop, computer, curse, crash, broken, scared

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