in means of 'friendship'

May 12, 2005 00:25

i dont wanna know you anymore, seriously.
i see who you are and it doesn't parallel with who i once thought you to be.

but what angers me most of all is not being able to express myself freely and most openly because you might read this and get your feelings hurt...even though your being inconsiderate has already hurt me and mine. you obviously don't care, why should i? but the difference between you and me is that i have a working heart not numbed to the feelings of others.
i can't be honest with you because i am not a callous person even though you might perceive otherwise after reading what i have to say. you're not my crutch but a handicap to my trust in others.
you make me not wanna try at our friendship anymore...too easily is that arranged
i can manage without your indifference and carelessness
by ways of how you treat persons you claim as your friends, i don't see how you can keep or maintain a friendship
since it is asking for something beyond your maturity
...that i should even think as to reconsider, makes me the fool

goodbye for good this time.
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