No-kill shelter in Dahlonega lost funding, closing

Nov 30, 2006 11:14

A friend informed me that the shelter has lost funding and will be closing soon. I think they'll be having open adoptions Saturday, but after that, I don't know. And I don't know what will happen to the little doggies (and possibly kitties), but if you're looking for a pet please help.

Directions for looking up pet pics and information (and if they have cats, I imagine they'll be listed under "Animal = Cat"):

> 1. Go to
> 2. Select Pet List Printer under the Admin Site Map on the right side of
> the page.
> 3. Enter shelter ID - GA05 (That's Georgia zero five)
> 4. Select Include Photographs, Animal = Dog, Pet Status = Adoptable.
> 5. Sort by name.
> 6. Press Go. All of the adoptable dogs with a description, a picture, and
> their names will print out.
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