(no subject)

Jan 12, 2011 11:54

I read something yesterday that actually made me feel a little weepy. I was surprised by my reaction (well, not really, it’s that time of month and I am hormonal right now) because in the grand scheme of things to get upset about, this really doesn’t even register. Or it shouldn’t.

What I read was an early review of a book that hasn’t been released yet and won’t be for a few more months. It’s the final book in a series that I have loved and adored for a few years now. The author is someone whose books I automatically buy without even reading the blurb. The first time I read what I consider to be their masterpiece, I locked myself away for days and days because I just couldn’t get enough. And when I got to the end, something in me curled up in contentment, in absolute rapture, because the story was so fulfilling and so rich that I tingled.

I shouldn’t have read the spoilers. I should have heeded the reviewer’s warnings and just stayed away. Because even if I don’t read the final book, I know now, and I wish I didn’t.

The reviewer was right when she said this book could potentially destroy the entire series for some. And I understand why. While I was reading the review, a little sob caught in the back of my throat because I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe that the author had done this to their world and their characters. It wasn’t necessary. That instalment simply isn’t necessary. Not simply because I want things my way and anything that doesn’t adhere to that is automatically insignificant.

No. It’s because the author took one of my stories - one of my all-time favourite stories, one that was already fully-realised, completely whole and beautiful - and shattered it. And I know, I know that that story isn’t mine, that it’s theirs and they have every right to expand and refine that story as much as they want. But how am I supposed to feel when that final-final chapter serves no purpose but to undermine the tale as a whole?

I’m not going to discuss the spoilers or even mention the author here. I know some of my flist read this series and will hear about this soon, and to be honest, if you feel the same way about it as I do, I’d rather not place the temptation to know here at my LJ. I wish I hadn’t read the spoilers myself. I wish I’d taken the warning not to read this book and just left the site, because in this instance, ignorance really is bliss.

I’m actually really bothered by this and I don’t know why. Maybe because the books are a big part of me, both as a reader and a writer. Maybe because the characters have come to mean so much to me in the years since I originally read them. Or maybe it’s just a simple case of having selfishly wanted the author to bypass a “realistic” epilogue and stick to the dark, complex, beautiful HEA they originally chose.

I don’t know. I might be overreacting. I’ve just been feeling very breakable the last few days, for reasons already mentioned. But don’t you just hate it when you can’t forget about something you wish you didn’t know?

Bleh. Thank God it’s not long until Shadowfever lands on my doorstep.


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