Fandom Meme.

Nov 12, 2009 13:55

shiegra gave me True Blood:

1. The first character I fell in love with:

Okay, my answers to this are gonna be influenced by both the books and the show so I'll try to clarify any differences.

In all honestly, I didn't fall in love with Sookie straight away in the books, mostly because I found the first book rather dull. I did, however, fall in love with Sookie from episode one, and I think part of that was because I adore Anna Paquin. She plays the role with that perfect mix of unintentional innocence and badassery.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:

Erm, I don't think I expected to love Eric as much as I do. By the time I'd read the first book and seen the show, I was kinda over the badass vampire characters. But I liked how Harris and Ball both kinda made him a sort of caricature of himself, poking fun at the supposed "glamour" of all-powerful male vampire. I think it was the scene with the lycra in the books, but it's small moments in the show that do it for me with him. I think it's the fact that he seems to genuinely respect Sookie in a way that Bill doesn't.

Also? Pam really kicks ass, as does Jessica.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:

Bill seems to get a big following and I'm not really a huge fan. I didn't find him particularly interesting in the books, either.

4. The character I love that everyone else hates:

I find it bizarre that Sookie gets so much hate, because I love her. I don't like the fact that she defers to Bill so much, but she makes up for it eventually.

5. The character I would shag anytime:

Ohhh, hard. I couldn't choose between Eric, Pam or Godric.

6. The character I'd want to be like:

Sookie. Or Jessica.

7. The character I'd slap:

Bill. Ten times over.

8. Favorite character:

It's a tie between Sookie, Lafayette, Eric, Pam and Jessica. But if I had to pick one, I think I'd say Sookie.

9. Who are your five favorite characters?

See above.

10. Who are your five least favorite characters?

Bill, Jason, Sam and I have to say Tara, especially in the books.

11. Which character are you most like?

I think I'd have to say Sookie. I have that same weird mix of independence and sheltered naivety. I can kick ass when I need to, but sometimes I'll defer to others. I always try to be hopeful and positive when things aren't going well, and I like to think I'm a nice mix of soft and hard like Sookie.

12. What is your deep, dark secret regarding this?

Er... I secretly want to be best friends with Eric, Pam and Jessica?

13. A pairing that I love:


14. A pairing that I despise:


15. What are your five favorite things about your fandom?

I'm not actually heavily into the fandom. I read the occasional Sookie/Eric fic if it's well-written and I do write the odd reviews etc. That's about it.

16. What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?

I've noticed there's a lot of bitching about how much Ball has changed the show from the books. I guess for people who love the books unconditionally it's a difficult thing to deal with. But for me, I'm not mad over the books and I'm happy to let Ball do his thing, especially considering he'd already given fair warning that season two would drift away from the books. I also think he's done some things better than the books (though some things he hasn't).

memes, tv: true blood

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