So my Remix is in. Done. Finished. I did make the mistake of acting quite smug last week, assuming I was safe because my fic was almost complete and I still had three days to go. I think the migraine was payback for being a cocky bitch
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Yeah, Eric does become interested in Sookie in the books, but it doesn't ruin his character. I don't think so, anyway. And Ball has made him a little more hard-edged than he is in the books (I think so, anyway) so I don't think he's gonna turn soft anytime soon.
I just think that the age excuse is being totally abused in some cases. Yeah, we get it, Bill's old, and he comes from a time when men and women acted very differently. But everybody changes with the times. He's been around long enough to know this. And he's been around long enough to know that some of the changes in gender roles since that time have been for the better, that women deserve the chance to explore and own their own sexuality. Being old is no excuse for being too stubborn to acknowledge those changes and refusing to respect them.
I just love Hoyt. I have loved Hoyt FOREVER. I think he owns a little piece of my soul. Because he doesn't always know the right things to say, but when it comes to the crunch, he will break your heart in such a good way because he is so HONEST and just... GENUINELY BEAUTIFUL. I just can't get over their scenes together. When Jessica has such a devastated look on her face after Bill's comment about protecting Hoyt and he shakes his head and says he doesn't believe it, I was like, YES, HOYT, YOU RULE! Because it's not really his job to build Jess up, because it should never be another person's job to do that for you, it should always be your own, but it was so awesome because he's giving her the tools she needs to build herself up. It's like he's saying I'm telling you it's okay to be who you are so you can go out there and LEARN for YOURSELF that it's okay to be who you are. And yeah, in an ideal world nobody would have to be told that they're okay to be who they are, but this is far from an ideal world.
Ohmygodddd, I didn't expect to rant about that so much. Sigh.
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