Why is it you always get thirsty RIGHT after your drink is gone?

Dec 18, 2006 19:50

...is it cause you KNOW it is gone? Herrrmmm...

I have to be at work at 5AM again tomorrow...Oh so exciting! *coughs-not-coughs*

I guess it is good that I am putting in so many hours though. Gotta get money in the bank! And then I have to get Damien and Hope fixed really soon.

Hope popped (or it popped itself) that bubble/boil thing on her face. The vet gave me some Green Magic to put in it..and also told me to use some of the _____ (cant member that long scientific name...I'll just call it Pink Magic ^_^) left over from last times.

He said he thinks it is most likely Bone fragments..but he is hoping it will flush out with the GM. If it doesn't and the boil thingy comes back then Hope has to go back and get MORE xrays done... So my 300 kitty will end up going to 400! lol

My 140 kitty (London) is doing great now though. Healing nicely and becoming VERY spoiled. If he wasn't asleep right now he would be attacking my hair the the back of the chair and digging claws into my back... But I guess thats why I love him...he has the most charming attitude. (LOL!)

I've decided that I'm not going to get any more male rats after Ash and Merlin go. I love them to death but they fight more then anything. And I'm not brave enough to get them fixed... I've heard a lot of stories about ratties dieing from it... I think the fighting has calmed down in the past few days though. Think the taking away of their treats had that affect? lol

Friday or Saturday I'm going to switch the cages out. Teeka is going in the boys cage and the boys are going in her cage. Now that Voldey passed on Teeks doesn't need such a cage... And she is scarin me that she is going to fall off one of those high shelfs. I think she thinks she is part cat...which is crazy... London must have given her that idea. :P

Do you realize that my boys are getting old? They only live about 2.5 years to begin with...eeehhh... I don't see how big rat owners can go through it so much. I certainly wont be able to.

Gotta go do laundry now... Sleep time and then work time is comin up! lol
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