A chink in the armor

Oct 13, 2006 23:49

Alright, so to get a friend's phone number, I took her phone, called my number and left myself a message. I leave messages for everyone else, so I figured I'd leave one for myself as not to be left out. I later heard my message. Wow! I must apologize to everyone who has had to endear such long messages. I know I like to leave long messages in a comical fashion, but I feel really bad for people having to spend so much time listening to my voice! Seriously! I just heard my own voice tonight. It sounds much different in my head! I try to play with the cards I'm given, but Mon Dieu! I am really ashamed of the sound of my voice! And I know I cannot just write things out because my handwriting isn't much better! Ask anyone! The ability to write my papers on a computer greatly increases the readability of my thoughts. Not that I really have much to say. Truth be told, I just really do waste time with those messages. I thought they would be humorous. They really aren't. They are just stupid. So I'm sorry to the people I have left lengthy messages on their voice mail. I don't know what I'm going to do to remedy the voice problem.

But to lighten the mood, today I was listening to music that reminded me of my hometown. Instead of growing remorseful, I just embraced the moment and felt lucky to have had the moment when I did. I will probably find myself in my hometown again, but even if I don't, I am happy for the time I did have there. Which is a positive sign that I won't get homesick this time.

Man. This is really going to bother me. When a Gemini has to rethink the way he/she speaks and what he/she says, it is a major ordeal. Blah.
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