It's been a long, long time...

Mar 22, 2008 19:13

Good lord it's been a long time since I posted... and I've been sitting on pictures from Mardi Gras for almost two months now.

Mardi Gras (back in the first weekend of February) was a great trip. Ryan and Alison were gracious hosts. Had a great time with Kim and them in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Got my pictures uploaded.. here's a sampling... You can also see them all in the gallery.

Getz me some Sonic!

Yumm! I've gotz to get me some Sonic whenever I get near one. :)

First Beads

Alison, Ryan, Paul: Our first beads and Ryan got me and him coozies. "Shuck Me, Suck Me, Eat Me Raw"

Fun Times

Alison, Kim

Fun Times

Paul, Ryan: with the "S Word" that lasted a few nights before getting broken by beads and then stolen.

Waiting in Line

Paul: waiting in line for breakfast at Mother's with "feather" beads that I caught the day before

Stopping by Brad & Angelina's

Kim, Alison, Paul: We stopped by Brad & Angelina's but things were quiet there.

Say Cheese

Bead Heaven

Rolling around in the beads -- end of the weekend we had probably around 200lbs of beads -- seriously!

Kim & Paul

Jazz Brunch at Commander's Palace

Ryan & Alison

Since Mardi Gras, it feels like a lifetime has passed -- hard to believe it has only been 7 weeks... I've been SO extremely busy at work. Got somewhat of a promotion -- or at least a new job function -- being the admin for my department for a new software package that the company is adopting. I've been frantically developing linkage from my software into this new software so that our business can still function. The timelines for the implementation of the new software has been crazy tight... April 7th is the "go-live" date... I've been working until 2-3am in the morning a couple nights getting everything in order.

Tomorrow I leave for NYC for a week of training. I'm so excited about being in the big city for the week. I love it when the company puts-you-up and I get to be "corporate traveler". I'm hoping to catch a play and shop in the village and meet-up with a college friend. Oh, yeah, and train and work too...

food, photos, travel, friends, work, mardigras

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