Good Friday... (?)

Apr 06, 2007 12:53

Well... they found the car...
They actually found it last night... but didn't call us... grrr...
The insurance company actually let us know first. They called to tell Barry "Congratulations!" and he was like "What?!?" So we called the Police and sure enough they confirmed that they had found it. And that it would be held in the pound until it could be processed for fingerprints... and would most likely be released to us on Tuesday. They said there was "front-end damage" but would not (could not) elaborate any further. UGH!! It's crazy...
It was found locally... but we still have no clue as to anything about it... or who took it or why or anything... And we have no idea what we're really in-store for when it gets back.

I'm happy it's found because I feel like it will help with closure on the whole thing... but I'm not sure if I'm 100% OK with it because it may always feel "damaged" to us now... ...we'll see.

accident, changes, upset, car

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