Life happens... Work happens... S* happens...

Dec 14, 2006 13:28

Feeling a bit better today... time heals... and so does ranting to your friends. Thanks for listening and commenting. :)

In other news in my life...

Work has been ramping-up and getting very busy for me. End-of-year and there are a lot of changes that we want to make to my program/system here at work. Some major changes for 2007 will really expand my tool and make it more useful and (hopefully) better-liked by the associates. Thing is, a lot is riding on me... I'm really having to take charge of the project and manage what's going on... as well as designing the changes. I'm project manager, designer, programmer, tester, documenter, and trainer all-in-one. *sigh* I like it... but it can get a bit overwhelming at times...

And the personal-life (aka party-aggravation) of the past week isn't helping.

thoughts, work

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