Musikfest Wrap-up...

Aug 13, 2006 14:50

*phew*... *yawn*... *stretch*... What a weekend! Holy crap... I feel worn-out.

This weekend, a whole crew from Scranton area came... old Scouting friends and family... Sean, Jen, Morgan; Chris; Bob; Brenda, John, two friends; Marty, JoAnn; Helen, Les; Shawn, Delena, two friends; Dale, Ellie, Tiffany. And there were others too: David and his partner Gary came up from Florida. And then, I also hosted Robyn, Sean, Kim, and Carolyn at the house. And then there were tons of other misc friends and family out-and-about all weekend randomly meeting-up at the festival. It was quite a big weekend for me social and energizing and fun... But also I'm out of shape... and can't keep-up with the activity like I used to.

Friday night started with 18 of us (from the "Scranton Crew") eating at Bucca de Beppo... in the "Pope Room" :) So much fun. Helen brought a large bottle of Goldschlager and dixie-cups... LOL! Yes... we did our own shots around the table... jeez... so "sneaky" LOL! But so much fun...
After that I went out with friends at the Brew Works and closed the place... and hot-tubbed with Kim in a friend's backyard... and 20-piece McNuggets... at 3am... and up the next morning at 9 to party all day long... Well... I lasted about half the day before I needed a nap... and then continued the festing. Most everyone pooped-out early... including myself... so we got our nuggets early (1am) and just went to bed.

This morning I woke up early (9am) to join the "Scranton Crew" for breakfast at their hotel and then joined the remaining of them for lunch at the festival. Kim and I are now sitting here in the condo... enjoying the air conditioning, watching videos on TV and uTube... and just chatting. Reminiscing about "the good ol days" when Musikfest was a 10-day orgy of beer drinking and partying. Why is it that we can't last like we used to? Is it that we're getting old, we're out-of-practice, or is it the festival -- has it gotten commercialized and the bands aren't as fun? Or is it just a combination of a lot of things? I guess it's one of those things that time just changes... There's no going back... reminiscing is nice... but there's a point to which we've got to let them go to make room for new memories and fun.

So being a bit nostolgic right now... and sitting here relaxing... recovering from the weekend... taking a bit longer for me to recover anymore...
I can't wait for Celtic Classic...

But for right now... I also can't wait to take a nap. ;)

changes, food, friends, musikfest, drunk, family

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