Deck Building... Life Building...

Jul 18, 2006 11:30

I haven't been very "posty"... Don't get me wrong, a lot of things have run through my head lately that I said, "Uuu, I should post that"... but they were generally little things and by the time I got to the computer I'd forgotten all about them.

Been pretty busy at work too, so that's always a hindrance to posting... darn work... jeez! It's not like they pay me or anything. Oh... wait... yes, they do. Doh!

This past weekend at camp we were able to all-but finish the deck on our trailer. It's AWESOME! I have some pictures... but I haven't loaded them off my camera yet... *sigh* coming soon...

It was supposed to be a hot and sunny weekend... Saturday it rained... no, it poured! virtually all day. That really made it difficult to work on the deck -- but we managed to still work on the part under the awning during the rain... and made-up a lot of time on Sunday. We had Chuck and Jay up to help all weekend too and they were a big help. Along with some other friends that stopped by to help out (like Dawn, Helen, Scott, Ken, Don).

It's been so HOT the past couple days... up into three-digits... and high humidity. Thank god for air-conditioning! So hot... but honestly, I'm not complaining. I mean, if it weren't for the sweat pouring off my face, I would be totally fine with it. I hate walking in and being all sweaty in my work clothes... once I'm done with work I could care less about all the heat.

I love having four seasons. (You take the good, you take the bad... You take em both and there you have...)

In other news... Barry is going to see the surgeon today for a consultation on his knee. Hopefully it goes well, and the surgery will be "quick and easy", and he'll be back on his feet in no time. (Literally: back on his feet.) I hate seeing him in so much pain.

I have my appointment today with the therapist... I'm actually a little nervous... I hope it goes OK... For those of you hearing about this for the first time right now, I made an appointment with a counselor... in the recent past I was overwhelmed with feelings of being caged-in and not being able to express myself or figure out what I need to do in my life... and they've been suppressed now for the last month or so... and I feel better... on the surface... but a little voice has been inside me saying "something is not right and you need to work this out or you will never truly be happy again"... So I'm going for some third-party advice on how to handle the stress I'm feeling from work, the relationship, and life in general. I just told Barry last night... I need him to be a partner in my healing... Don't know why it took me so long to tell him... (ashamed, nervous, worried? yes... all of the above I guess.)

For those who already knew, thanks for the support thus-far. I hope we both heal quickly (his knee / my brain)... wish us luck.

changes, woods, thoughts, friends, relationship, work

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