The deck begins...

Jul 06, 2006 15:02

Last night Barry and I went to Homo Depot and placed the order for all the wood for our deck at the camper. I felt all butch and "buildery" in there telling the guy exactly what we needed and him entering it in the computer. I was doing really good up until the point when I said something like, "what are those concrete thingies called" or something like that... oh well... I can only be butch for so long I guess... LOL!

Anyway... it was easier than I thought for us to make our order and arrange for delivery for this Saturday... I cannot wait... it should be a lot of work, but I feel creative and productive when I actually "get my hands dirty" and build things... so I'm really looking forward to it. I designed the thing from scratch... I'm glad we had the opportunity to help with our neighbor's deck because it really gave the know-how to be able to do ours... otherwise I would really have been floundering.

In other news, Barry and I also went to the Brew Works last night. I renewed my mug membership for 2006... They made a lot of cool new incentives this year. Good god I love that place... I think Barry saw the sparkle in my eye last night when we were there and I was reading about all the cool incentives for the mug members... I think he even started to give-in a little to me about going there more often. I hope so... I hope he wasn't just appeasing me... I hope he grows to love it as much as I do... or at least half-as-much -- that would be enough for any sane person I think. *giggle*

Finally... today... feeling much better than yesterday... Most of the "drama" has been blown-over and I spoke with a couple people about it (including the poor guy that was bashed in the drama) and I feel much better about it.

The heat-pump repairman is here right now... It appears as though the fan outside was possibly not spinning... which would cause problems (obviously)... so perhaps that's all the problem was and we can look forward to a nice cool house again. OMG, it has been a sweatbox in this condo for the past two weeks or so. I cannot wait for it to work again. (I shouldn't talk so soon... I haven't actually got the verdict yet... in-fact, it's been very quiet out there... I wonder if he's OK... Guess I should go check...

house, woods, work

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