Memorial Day Weekend...

May 30, 2006 15:25

Had a good, long weekend at camp. Barry and I both got off work early on Friday... it was nice to start the weekend with a bit less stress (than we would have had if we had to pack after a full day of work).

The weekend was spent mostly with our neighbors (Dawn & Helen)... helping them with their deck, but even-more-so just hanging with them and their dogs.

Sunday was the big "Red Cock-Tail-Dress Party"... Heidi Ho made her first appearance of the season... which was fun. Barry couldn't participate because his knee was really bothering him this weekend. I felt really bad for him, and even more-so when I found out just how bad it really was hurting him. Sunday night (after he had a lot of martini and no food) he let his guard down enough to let me know that he was in major pain. I wish there was something more I could have done to help... I wish he would let me help him more sometimes too... but I guess, in reality, it's not like I can go to the bathroom or smoke for him: he's gonna use his knee no matter what... and he's stubborn enough to do what he wants to do and there's no stopping him. *sigh* I wish I could take the pain so he wouldn't have to have it... (Side note: He saw the doctor this morning... strangely [and thankfully] the pain had mostly gone away today. The doctor can't really diagnose it because it's still swollen, so he gave Barry something to take to reduce the swelling and hopefully in two weeks we'll be able to get a better diagnosis.)

The party was fun... and I had a good time overall this weekend... but it didn't really seem like a vacation... I hate to admit it, but I think part of that is because I had to be sober for the entire weekend. There were only a few times when I really was craving a drink... and I'm not sure if "Heidi Ho" was really herself due to not having a buzz to keep her "giddy"... I don't want to think that I can't relax without alcohol... but there's a bit of a factor here where I think that may be the case. I still have 6 more days of this medicine... and 8 days until I can have a beer... I never really craved beer too much, but knowing that I CANNOT have one is driving me crazy... and I SO want a beer. *sigh*

Barry said the same thing about the weekend (that it didn't really feel like a vacation)... so perhaps it's not just because I was sober... although with his knee, he wasn't able to really enjoy himself either. I think a nice weekend for just the two-of-us is needed soon... camp is great, but it doesn't really let us be with each other -- there's too many other people there to that need socializing-with.

OK... well... nothing much else to report. I have a bunch of pictures from the party... I'm glad I took my camera... [subtext: lugged my heavy-ass-camera]... Hopefully will get those posted in the next day or two. Other than that... just work and trying to "catch-up" at home and relax are on my calendar for the next three days.

woods, heidi ho, relationship, drunk, sick

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