Plans are changing, but trying to keep the momentum...

May 15, 2006 23:02

Late on a Monday night... evening wrapping up and just thinking about heading to bed. It's so funny that on weekends at camp I'm passing out at 10/11pm and actually feeling tired... while, now, when I SHOULD be going to bed, I'm sitting here kind-of restless. I can only assume that it's because I'm sedentary all day sitting at my PC, while at camp we've been working all day long doing things around the site and staying active. (It would also explain why I'm sore. ;)

We really got a lot more stuff done this weekend. Including finalizing our plans for the guest-house and deck. However, we just decided tonight that we aren't going to build the guest-house this year... for a couple reasons, the two main reasons being money and usage -- we can't justify the cost of building it (both $$ and time/labor) for the usage that it would get. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have company and guests stay at our site... but $5000+ is a bit much to spend... especially when we're still paying off the camper and the new bathroom downstairs. I'm thinking next year, and we'll be able to focus on it a bit more so that we can probably save some money (build more ourselves). The deck will be our only project for this year... I'm going to try and keep the momentum going, cause I know that if Barry and I sit back and say "OK, looks good, let's do it next week" it will end up being the week-after-never... we both work better with deadlines.

Other things at camp are going well... we just need to get out and visit people yet... we've been so busy with our own site that I'm forgetting what the rest of the campground looks like. LOL.

changes, woods, insomnia

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