Oct 01, 2007 08:24
October, my favorite month, has a pretty gloomy beginning.
Its on a monday, its all rainy, I'm at Briarpatch, its dead, and I forgot to bring my beloved graphic novel with me to read.
However, its STILL October and I'm STILL excited.
Wonderful things about October:
1.The trees will look pretty
2.The air will have a sweet scent of burning and slow decay
3.Planet Terror comes out on DVD
4.Its Halloween!
5.Sabbat de Sade Fetish Fairy Tale Night
6.My Spiff checks come in to add to my Euro Trash Tour savings.
7.Its Glow Wine Season
8.I get to use my happy shea butter body wash
9.My hair will behave itself more
10.I can wear my sexy longcoat
11. Its Fall but I'm not in school
12. Chili, Stew, Soup, and Casserole will taste much better.
13. Bubble Baths and Merlot.
14. Autumn is my season of passion. I will be non-stop aroused for the next two months.
I love the Fall...