Aug 07, 2005 11:50

Hey, this is just a lil bout meh. LOL

FIRSTS: 1. First best friend: Rayna Verbaeke

2. First love: Brad Lawrence

3. First real kiss: Steven Farell

4. First screen name: sava8282

5. First pet: A cat who's name I can't remember cuz she ran away

6. First car: Can't drive yet. LOL

LASTS: 1. Last cigarette: I only took one puff once about 6 months ago.

2. Last kiss: UMMM...A year ago, I know, I'm sad, LOL

3. Last good cry: Two nights ago, I watched the Notebook

4. Last beverage drank: Water

5. Last food consumed: Grilled Cheese

6. Last crush: Kyle, he waz sooooo cute and nice

7. Last phone call: My M&M, (EMILY)

8. Last Text: I don't know

RELATIONSHIPS: 1. Who is your best friend: God, Emily, Mike, and my older bro, Justin

2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope, My BF broke up with meh, oh well.

FASHION STUFF: 1. Where are your favorite places to shop: Disney store and Wal mart, thats right, I'm a wal mart freak. LOL

2. Favorite item of clothing: My Edge T-shirt

1. Do you do drugs: No

2. What kind of shampoo do you use: UMMMM.. wut ever is in the shower. lol

3. What are you most scared of: Losing my Ma.

FAVORITES: 1. Color: Pink and Purple

2. Foods: Sandwitches and Ice cream

3. Favorite subject in school: Drama and Art

4. Animals: Penguins and Dolphins

5. Sports: Softball

6. Movie: The Notebook

HAVE YOU EVER: 1. Given anyone a bath: Yeah

2. Smoked: One Puff once

3. Made yourself throw up: No

4. Skinny dipped: No

5. Been in love: I thought I waz, but waz miss led.

CURRENT: 1. Clothes: Winnie the Pooh shirt and my fav P.J. pants

2. Music: Your song By: Ewan Mcgregor

3. Make-up: Wut ever I put on yesterday.

4. IMs:Mike

LAST PERSON: 1. Hugged: My lil cousin Zach

2. IMed: Mike

3. Last person who slept at your house: UMMM...Zach

RANDOM: 1. In the morning I am: lately, sleepin.

2. I dream about: Lots of stuff

3. I love: Writin Poetry cuz it helps meh vent.
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