Mar 29, 2009 22:10
I woke up so late and felt so lousy, I had to rush through everything to make to my meeting with Y. It was awful as always. Finished the meeting, all stressed out and with loads of work to do through all week. Talked home, it was nice. Also talked to my sisters, it felt good after talking to them in days. Also got to help her with one of her friend's situation. I am glad that I am working and can help people who are having money problem.
I had some a lot of money problems in past, well still now and I know how awful you feel when money come in middle of your studies and career. So I helped my sister's friend so that stupid money do not stop him for taking his exams and ruin his year and maybe stop him from dropping out.
I feel good now. Also told my family about my posted stories and my sister started to read it, lol she said it was too long.
She didn't finish it, maybe later. Hope she likes it.
Also watched Sarah Connor chronicles (it is too far fetched) and 24(loving it).