Stop stealing our spoons

Sep 08, 2013 01:55

I think the people using spoons to describe their fatigue from dealing with sexist and racist arguments need to read The Spoon Theory and stop stealing terminology a woman with an invisible illness came up with to describe what we with non-obvious diseases go through. The exhaustion I deal with from my Crohn's disease is nothing like being tired of dealing with the same old sexist shit all the time. It diminishes the impact of The Spoon Theory to compare being sick and tired of the same old sexist crap to the soul sucking exhaustion I deal with when my autoimmune disease is flaring. I highly doubt that you can't even get up off your couch and get yourself a bowl of soup after reading an internet post in which some old white dude fails. I had a serious Crohn's flare in 2003 that I'm still recovering from because I went into such serious spoon debt. I have to take a medication that may give me cancer and shorten my lifespan just to keep my disease under control. The disease and/or the drug may have caused the loss of the one and only pregnancy I've ever had and it may be causing the infertility I'm struggling through now. I don't normally post stuff like this, especially on a public LJ, but this is really pissing me off and I keep seeing it over and over again lately. I find it ableist and just as full of fail as all those sexist and racist posts I see everywhere.

These two posts say this better than I can:
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