Apr 07, 2005 00:00
Dan here. Well I haven't made a real update about events (other than my one post about my 4th grade time capsule) since before xmas break, so I figure I owe the few of you who still check this thing an update. Nothing overly significant has happened over the past four months or so, but a lot of funny/stupid things have, so I guess I'll just write about those...
I don't really remember everything that has happened, and the things I do are probably not in any sort of chronological order. Here's a fairly large breakdown of a lot of what has happened (this is going to be extremely long):
-Millz and myself made a trip up to Northwestern to visit Grant for a night back in February. Apparently Millz and I were getting too out of hand for the NU crowd and the Fun Police, Grant, was getting upset at our antics. Highlights of said trip include: a powerful boot 'n' rally by myself, Millz and I wrestling into what we thought was a large pile of snow but was in fact a small lake, and of course spitting ice in Millz's face at the NU hot spot Philly's.
-Hintz, Murph, and Btay came to visit for the Wisconsin basketball game and a night at the DU house for their "Drinking Extravaganza". The DU party was quite ridiculous (few parties that have MC's are not). Noteable things that happened there were: Max spit in Aaron's face, Hintz poured his drink on Amy Detmer, "Two Cups of Hot Water" informed us that he had never in fact drinken two cups of hot water, and Buhe (my roommate) tried to wrestle everyone at the party. Later that night we went to IHOP and then continued to walk around campus singing "Hey Dir-tay, Baby I got your money".
-Went home for a weekend and had a small party at Aaron's house. Many superstars made appearances including Bremer, Giese, Matt Steinkuller, and Greg. I apparently had too much to drink and then began to "say some things" that I probably shouldn't have. At U of I the same weekend Millz and Glaser ate dinner with Tracy Culumber that I guess was short on conversation topics (Glaser asked Tracy what her major was twice).
-Unofficial St. Patrick's Day. Probably one of the most ridiculous days of my entire life. Not only was it U of I's biggest party day of the year, but it was also my 19th birthday. Starting at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon we started drinking 190 Gem Clear and listening to rap. Following that we started our journey on the town where an in-town Mrs. Gallagher saw me, Brittany, Verg, Aaron, and others skipping and holding hands down the sidewalk. We made our way to the Delt house where I saw my old GW football mates who were visiting from Indiana for the weekend. This is where it starts to get hazy...
-There is a big hole in my Unofficial memory because I was blacked out for about six hours of the day. According to reports from Aaron this is what happened before I regained control of my mind: I was left at the Phi Kappa Psi house where I puked for a great deal of time. I somehow started to make my way back to my dorm where Laura Fairbank and some boy helped me puke in the downstairs bathroom before passing me off to Aaron. For some reason I did not want to be restrained by Aaron, so I wrestled away from him and took off sprinting down the Six Pack sidewalk. Aaron searched high and low for me in the six pack, until he spotted a stumbling figure and a "punk girl" off in the distance. I had apparently told this girl as I was lying on the floor of Weston Hall that "no one was coming to help me". Aaron and the punk girl then took me back to my dorm room where I fell unconscious on my floor. Later as I was puking in my bathroom my cell phone rings and Aaron answers, it was my grandparents calling to wish me a happy birthday! After sleeping for a few hours I made my way to Brittany's room where I reportedly tore down all of her RA's elaborate decorations, made a phone call to First (or should I say ALBERT!), and ate a dead rose. After all this I am finally not blacked out anymore and me, Heidenreich, Max, Millz, Gallagher, Amar, and the Hopp all hit the bars. Definitely one of the most insane days of my life.
-On Valentine's Day, Glaser and I were hired to chauffer Millz and Gallagher on their respective dates in exchange for chicken wings. The rides to the restaurants were incredibly awkward due to little to no conversation between the boys and their dates, and Glaser's horribly unromantic mix of songs. In between driving Millz and Gallagher around Glaser and I went to Arby's where just the two of us sat in the car listening to Motown love songs, it was incredibly gay.
-One day Buhe and I watched the entire series of Bravo's Project Runway.
-Fro, Bremer, and McGee all came down over their spring breaks to party at the U of I. Unfortunately our party that happened to be taking place in Aaron's room got busted by some nerd RA who brought a police officer with him. We all got written up and had to meet with the RD of the Dorm. Later that night Verg, Brittany, McGee, John, and Millz nearly got in a fight with several large men in front of Garner Hall (the fight was avoided by Verg's swiftness in tattling on the large men).
-Our basketball team made it to the Final Four by making the most impressive comeback victory in all of college basketball history over Arizona. The night of the victory was a party at Mig's new apartment. The crowd was a little strange, but still a fun time. After Millz tossed some 40s over the 4th story balcony (CHUG CHUG, FRAT FRAT, TOSS TOSS!!) and we had left the party to go to IHOP, a security officer made his way up to the room and put a stop to the party.
-(Name removed) visited the university and we showed him how we party in Hopkins rm. 265...tons of rap music and alcohol. Also on his visit he got to witness the end of the friendship between Brittany and Gallagher due to stubborness and being irritating.
-Greg and Evan Garrett visited the day after (____)'s visit, so we took him to DU. Derek and I got more drunk than everybody else and decided to take the visitors to Jimmy John's. On our way there, Derek and I decided to have a foot race to "see who was the best". While running the race we ran past Aaron, Amar, and Double L who told us to stop running because of cops...but for some reason we didn't. At the Jimmy John's I made all sorts of cracks about the "Denny's Scene" and left a message on Jon Phillips' phone.
There is a ton more that I could go into detail on, but I figure I'll save that for a later date. I'll do a U of I crew update as I've done in the past soon. But now I have to go to sleep because I have to go to my terrible classes in a few hours.
Here's a joke that always makes me laugh:
Q. What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?
A. If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts!