Maybe it's my breath.

Jun 02, 2009 08:16

This is kinda whiny, so if you wanna skip it, feel free.

I've had a few phone interviews in past weeks for various positions. This is great, because for a long time I wasn't getting interviews at all. Progress, and all that.


I've been told in one case that I wasn't a finalist for the job. It happens. I didn't have whatever they were looking for. Unfortunately, I don't know WHAT they were looking for, because when I got the e-mail saying they were looking elsewhere, I thanked them for their time, and asked what knocked me out of the running. No response. I don't want a dissertation -- just tell me where I messed up, so I can alter that going forward in my job search.

I've also done a couple of interviews for a company in Atlanta, the most recent being about four weeks ago. Since then, I have heard nothing from either the company, the guy who interviewed me, or the recruiter who set up the interview. Several e-mails have been sent, and a voicemail has been left. If I'm not in the final group, that's fine ... but give me the courtesy of telling me that. Or at least e-mail and say "We're still weighing our options." Completely ignoring e-mails and phone calls is unprofessional in the extreme.

It's frustrating, is what it is.

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