We got a Wii Fit.

Feb 16, 2009 12:01

We are quickly becoming converts to the Church of Wii.

We've had the thing for a grand total of six weeks. We got it for the kids for Christmas. Since then, they've played maybe five hours with it, total. I can log five hours on it at a single sitting, playing Monopoly.

But a new insidiousness has entered our lives ... Kristin got a Wii Fit yesterday. The boys spent the night with their grandparents, so it was just the two of us and Colin. Naturally, as two red-blooded adults with physical needs and desires, we took advantage of our free time by playing with the Wii even more than usual.

Kristin quickly acclimated herself to the Wii Fit. She's done yoga, and strength training, and aerobics, and balance activities. Colin was both vastly amused and fascinated by the sight of his mother balancing on one leg while swearing at the electronic "physical trainer" on the television. "It's been 30 seconds already! Nazi bitch!"

Couple of quick notes regarding our Wii Fit experience so far:

The BMI scale on the Wii Fit can't understand why I'm only 6'1". According to it, I should be 13 feet tall. My little Wii person plumped up like a Thanksgiving turkey on an all-lard diet. Kristin's BMI is exactly where it's supposed to be.

Conversely, my Wii Fit age is 38. Kristin's was 50. (I'm 42, and she's 33.) She was despondent last night. "I'm so much older than you! I'm a cougar!"

The jogging exercise is very nice. You follow a little jogging trainer person around a park. Kristin was pleased by this. She said, "I do so much better jogging outside than on a treadmill." I pointed out she was actually inside, staring at the television, while she was jogging, but she ignored me.

My little trainer person is a male, and somewhat androgynous. Kristin suggested I name him. I wanted to call him Wes Myers, but she was horrified and insisted I change the name. Go figure.

So the Wii Fit is a hit with us. I seriously doubt the boys will ever be able to play on the Wii again.
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