Jan 11, 2007 21:04
Tuesday we had our first leadership class of 2007. This class was all about education. We met at a local university. I have to admit this has been my least favorite class so far. It's not that I don't care about education, it's just I really didn't find the topic very fascinating.
The first hour we had a principal from one school district and the superintendent of another speak to us about the public school system in Oklahoma. The discussed what was up in legislation and about school security. Over all kinda dull to me. Could be partly becasue I don't have any children in the school system and I've been out for so long myself.
The next hour was spent learning about career services schools better known as Vocational Schools or VoTechs. The speakers actually went into the history of VoTech's in Oklahoma.....
The final hour was spent on Private Universities, mostly about their adult studies programs. Don't get me wrong I think adult studies is a great program. I just didn't care to sit and listen about it for an hour.
The best part of the class was the lunch. Very good. One of the best salads I've ever had and the cookies were delicious!
Overall a bit of a disappointment, but the other classes have been so great that I'm still really enjoying the course. Next month I think we will be learning about economic development. I think I'll enjoy it a lot more.